Girl Guiding
To register a girl or as an adult volunteer with Girlguiding please visit
Your details will then be available for the appropriate Unit Leader to contact you and discuss if and when a suitable place may become available.
Please make sure you select the correct age level (from the drop down box ie. Rainbow, Brownie, Guide or Ranger) and then select the Unit you wish as your first unit of choice.

1st Redbourn Rainbows
For girls aged 5 up to their 7th Birthday
Contact: Emily
Website: All About Rainbows

1st Redbourn Brownies​
Needs new Leaders and Unit Helpers!
Temporarily closed until new Leaders can be found to re-open the unit
For girls aged 7 up to their 10th Birthday
Contact: Jane
Facebook: 1st-Redbourn-Brownies
Twitter: @1RedbournBrowni

3rd Redbourn Brownies

1st Redbourn Guides
Needs new Leaders and Unit Helpers
Temporarily closed until new Leaders can be found to re-open the unit
For girls from their 10th to 14th Birthday's
Facebook: 1stRedbournGuides

1st Redbourn Rangers
The Rangers (previously Senior Section) is for young women aged 14 up to their 19th Birthday
Members of Rangers (previously Senior Section) can choose from a wide range of unique and exciting opportunities, including travel in the UK and around the world, volunteering with younger girls within Girlguiding as a Mentor or Leader and working towards valuable qualifications
Rangers (previously Senior Section) offers an exciting and flexible program with a huge variety of challenges and opportunities for personal development.
Temporarily closed until new Leaders and Unit Helpers can be found to re-open the unit
Contact: Jane
Facebook: @RedbournRangers

The Trefoil Guild
For all women and men over 18 years of age who are in sympathy with the Girlguiding ethos.
There are local, county and national events offering a chance to have fun without the responsibilities of watching over young people.
Trefoil Guild Harpenden and Redbourn
Contact: The Trefoil Guild County Chairman, Di Johnston
Phone: 01923 856758
Website: Trefoil Guild, Harpenden